What is alkaline water?
Natural water on our planet ranges in pH from 6.5 to 9.0, depending on surrounding soil and vegetation, seasonal variations and weather, and even time of day responses to sunlight. Human activities further influence the pH of our water, from the barrage of toxic industrial pollutants. Alkaline water is water that has a pH level higher than seven. Creating alkaline water can be done multiple ways. CitiPure Alkaline Water is created through the addition of natural alkaline minerals which work to raise the pH of the water to 9+. Drinking and cooking with alkaline water has been found to increase vitality and energy levels, clean and detoxify the body and decrease the symptoms of some illnesses.
How does it taste compared to tap water?
Many people find alkaline water tastes and feels smoother than conventional tap water. This is due to the fact that the water molecules of alkaline water forms take on a smaller cluster size and a more regular shape than the molecules in conventional water. Alkaline water provides the body with more abundant levels of oxygen than tap water, which is why it leaves you feeling like you have more energy. It makes better quality and better tasting coffee, tea and juice as well. Alkaline water is excellent as water for cooking as well because the added oxygen helps to hydrate the food and bring out its flavor.
The tap water where I live is considered good quality drinking water. Why do I need a CitiPure Mineralized Alkaline Water Filtration System?
Municipalities deliver water to our homes and businesses that is filtered then treated with a primary disinfection to kill any bacteria and viruses found in the water, and a secondary disinfection using trace levels of chlorine to prevent a re-growth of bacteria as it travels to our taps and showers. Although our tap water is considered safe, the public water supplies in most cities in North America still contain trace amounts of contaminants such as disinfection by-products and pharmaceutical drugs. Only by using an additional home water filter will you be able to remove these harmful elements from your water.
The CitiPure Mineralized Alkaline Water Filtration System has been independently tested to reduce chlorine taste and odor, and the presence of heavy metals, industrial chemicals and agricultural contaminants. Additionally, your CitiPure Mineralized Alkaline Water Filtration System will work not just to purify your tap water but also to improve its quality through raising the pH and re-mineralizing your water with calcium and magnesium. Not only does this improve the taste of your water, but it also ensures you are getting the alkaline balanced and mineralized water your body needs to be at it’s healthiest.
What does low ORP mean and why is it important?
Oxidation describes the rates at which something degrades. ORP stands for oxidation reduction potential; it is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons and thereby be reduced or to break down. It is measured in millivolts (mV) and can easily be measured with an ORP meter. A negative ORP reading indicates that a substance will give electrons and reduce other cells. The lower the reading, the less likely it will be to oxidize molecules around it making it an ‘anti-oxidant’. CitiPure Alkaline Water has a reduced ORP value, meaning that it works to slow down the degradation of your cells. Most other types of water have a much higher ORP and will thus oxidize surrounding cells (causing them to break down and age faster).
What are anti-oxidants and why are they important?
Anti-oxidants are molecules that are capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Involved in oxidation reactions are free radicals that work as intermediate steps to make a chain of oxidizing reactions that damage cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing the free radical intermediates and inhibit other oxidation reactions by being oxidized themselves. Anti-oxidants are nature’s way of fighting off potentially dangerous molecules, free radicals, in the body. Free radicals come in the forms of pesticides, plastics and chlorine by-products. They are unstable molecules that feed off otherwise healthy molecules in order to survive. They are introduced into the body every day causing cell damage that can lead to chronic or degenerative diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, vision problems, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and some types of cancer if left unchecked. The body creates its own anti-oxidants to neutralize free radicals; however, the body is only capable of producing a certain amount of anti-oxidants on its own. At the same time, we are faced with an increasing number of environmental toxins in everyday life. That is why it is important to eat foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, beta carotene, bioflavonoids, zinc, selenium and alpha lipoid acid and to choose to drink water with low ORP values that provide the body with an added source of anti-oxidants to fight free radicals.
Is there research to support drinking alkaline water?
There is a growing body of research to support the benefits of maintaining your body at its optimum alkalinity of 7.36pH and an understanding of how drinking alkaline water can assist in maintaining this balance. Well know organizations, such as the World Health Organization conducted research regarding the need for mineralized drinking water. A number of authors have summarized this scientific data into easy to read books that help educate consumers.
Is alkaline water safe for children and pregnant women to drink?
Alkaline water is perfectly safe for everyone to drink, including children and pregnant women. Alkaline water helps to balance out the acidic foods in their diet. Pregnant women benefit from the added mineral content in CitiPure’s alkaline water. While the growing baby takes from its mother’s natural mineral stores, CitiPure’s mineralized alkaline water helps to restore the mineral levels in the mother’s body and reduces her risk of osteoporosis or calcium deficiency later in life. A number of midwives recommend CitiPure Alkaline water to reduce the muscle cramping which many women experience during pregnancy.